
53 pages 1 hour read

Sebastian Barry

Days Without End

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2016

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Chapters 20-23Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 20 Summary

Thomas doesn’t know how to face John after letting Winona go. Thomas stays at camp for a while, trying to learn about Winona’s life among the Sioux, but fails. One morning, the men are ordered to ride out, though nobody will tell Thomas where they’re going. They come to Caught-His-Horse-First’s camp. Thomas is excited over the proximity to Winona. Major, who drinks heavily since the loss of his wife and daughter, orders the men to kill everyone in camp, though Captain Sowell tries to gainsay him. They fire at the village from a distance, using Gatling and Napoleon guns. Major kills Caught-His-Horse-First. Thomas finds Winona in the village, ordering her to stay close as she begs him to save her. He tries to escape with Winona, even as he knows this means leaving the other women she was hiding with to be killed. He notices that none of the troopers have been killed and wonders why the Sioux aren’t shooting back.

Thomas encounters Starling and asks for his help, but Starling wants to kill Winona. Thomas kills him even as he thinks about his love for his “old crazy friend” (224). The soldiers kill everyone in the village and then mutilate corpses, laughing and remorseless. They ride back across the plains, Thomas guarding Winona fiercely. She is haunted by the violence she saw. They plan to return to Tennessee at Winona’s request.

Chapter 21 Summary

Thomas waits for Major to rescind his commission; Winona hides in Mrs. Neale’s old room while they wait. The colonel returns and Major is arrested after Sowell reports his “gross misconduct.” Sarjohn reports that he saw “a trooper” kill Starling, so Thomas gets a shave and puts on a dress and makeup to make himself less identifiable. He feels guilty taking clothes from the late Mrs. Neale. Thomas and Winona escape on a stagecoach, then a train. The train ride is cramped and unpleasant in third class, but Thomas is still impressed with its speed. Thomas and Winona talk about how much they love and miss John. Thomas thinks of himself as her mother and that he “[feels] more a woman than [he] ever felt a man” (206). He decides he is a woman. (In reflection of this, the remainder of this guide will use she/her pronouns for Thomas.)

In St. Louis, they see many freedmen working and Thomas thinks that circumstances seem to have improved for the formerly enslaved, though she notes that she doesn’t see any Native Americans. Thomas, now viewing herself as a mother, grows more comfortable thinking of Winona as her daughter, and is full of love for her. They walk from Memphis to Paris and are welcomed with a hug from John.

Chapter 22 Summary

John tells Lige, Tennyson, and Rosalee that Thomas needs to continue wearing dresses in case someone comes looking for “him.” Rosalee doesn’t mind and Tennyson immediately greets Thomas as a woman, calling her “ma’am.” John purchases books so he can help further Winona’s education. They receive news that Sowell has been killed and, absent an accuser, Major released and honorably discharged. There is no news regarding the search for Starling’s killer. Lige blames himself for the events, as the person who killed Caught-His-Horse-First’s daughter, and John urges him to forget about the long-ago shooting. Winona is hired to clerk for a local lawyer.

Two soldiers arrive, one Thomas recognizes as Corporal Poulson. John introduces Thomas as “Mrs. Cole.” Poulson is looking for Thomas, who has been listed as a deserter, as Major never signed her papers before his arrest. John says he’ll give them Thomas, which makes her feel anxious, but he shows the soldiers a grave. The soldiers are relieved not to have to kill someone they knew for desertion and leave peacefully. Lige praises John’s quick thinking. Thomas feels melancholy over the idea that her previous self has died.

Several days later, Thomas receives a letter from Poulson. He knows that the woman he saw was Thomas and urges her to turn herself in so that John, Lige, and Winona don’t become outlaws for defending her. Thomas plans to go and have Major clear up the issue with his commission, though John worries they’ll hang him. Thomas promises to return quickly, though he thinks as he rides out that he is likely going to his death. He considers that the good in his life has been enough.

Chapter 23 Summary

The soldiers transport Thomas to Leavenworth in chains, which sours her mood. She writes to Major, asking for assistance, and regrets not attempting to flee with John and Winona. The day of Thomas’s trial arrives, and Major speaks in her defense. Captain Sexton, who heads the court-martial, asks questions about Major’s arrest. The tone between the two officers gets terse and Sexton decides to halt the proceedings until Sarjohn can be summoned, which alarms Thomas. When the court reconvenes several days later, Sarjohn identifies Thomas as Starling’s killer. Thomas writes to John, but as she has been found guilty of murder, they don’t allow him to see her. She still finds comfort in his proximity and thinks about how much she loves him. She takes comfort in the idea that she saved Winona, though she wishes she hadn’t had to kill Starling to do it.

She writes again to John and to McSweny, but Noone writes back that McSweny has died. She receives a loving letter from Winona, which makes her cry. As Thomas’s scheduled execution grows closer, she grows more and more miserable. Major arrives one night with the news that he has gotten statements from all the men about Thomas killing Starling, and Poulson reports that Thomas was protecting Winona. Thomas’ sentence is commuted from death to 100 days hard labor. The novel ends with her excitement that she will soon be headed home to John and Winona.

Chapters 20-23 Analysis

At the end of the novel, Captain Sowell takes over Major’s place as the voice of morality in the army. When Major orders the Sioux village to be destroyed and everyone in it killed, Sowell is upset: “Captain Sowell looking as angry as old Zeus and sick as a poisoned dog” (199). Like earlier in the novel, however, when Major had little recourse to punish Watchorn for raping a woman, Sowell has limited capacity to curtail the violence. He is unable to stop anything before it happens, and his accusation of Major goes nowhere, as Sowell dies before Major can be tried. (Thomas suspects that Major is possibly guilty of killing Sowell but doesn’t ask). Barry here implies that not only is it ineffectual to have a single man attempting to uphold morality within a corrupt system, but that no man can maintain this position either, leaving his efforts to become fleeting Moments of Humanity in War. The system will corrupt him, like Major, or he will end up dead, like Sowell.

These chapters further problematize the role of the Irish in the genocidal project of the American Indian Wars. “When that old ancient Cromwell come to Ireland he said he would leave nothing alive. Said the Irish were vermin and devils. Clean out the country for good people to step into. Make a paradise. Now we make this American paradise I guess. Guess it be strange so many Irish boys doing this work” (199). Though Thomas is not blind to the irony of the Irish, who were subjected to English colonialism in Europe, becoming part of a white American colonial project in America, her awareness, like the morality of individuals, has no material effect. The implied inevitability and removal with which Thomas views this moral contradiction also points to the novel’s discussion of the Horrors of Man Versus Indifference of Nature—if all he has suffered, seen and participated in is fleeting, it lessens the emotional weight of his complicity. The ambivalent language of “I guess,” which Thomas repeats often throughout the novel as a vague expression of doubt, posits that though the protagonist may find discomfort in the violence she has been complicit in dealing against Native Americans, she is not able (whether for the sake of her own mental comfort or due to a true inability to see the work in any other way than the one she had been shown) to mount any stronger protest against the horrors she has seen and committed.

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