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Wendell BerryA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Jayber retires from his job as a gravedigger. He lives too far from the church, and graves are now dug with a backhoe. Jayber continues to be the janitor but admits to not attending church on Sundays much anymore. He prefers to worship at home by the river. He has come to believe God did not intend for people to worship inside buildings. Jayber no longer digs the graves, but he still visits the cemetery to honor the dead. Renting out the barbershop in town has proven to be an annoyance. Jayber is thankful for his quiet home by the river that he neither owns nor owns him. He feels just as at home here as he did in Port William if not more so. Jayber loves the tranquility of the river but is also in awe of its power. He fears only a flood but never lets it bother him too much as long as his boat is secure. His days are filled with chopping wood and harvesting food, and sometimes he walks to the tree grove Athey called “the Nest Egg.” The river is his favorite place to bathe. He revels in watching the changing of the seasons through the flora and fauna. Nights are sometimes painful for him, as he worries about becoming old and infirm, and sometimes he is lonely. “But to be alone at night is sometimes only to be defenseless against the oncoming knowledge of incompleteness and imperfection, mine and the world’s” (344). Lyda brings him dinner when he can no longer walk long distances. He is comforted by good memories. One night he dreams of sitting on the porch with Athey, Burley Art Rowanberry, and Elton Penn. Jayber is holding his Uncle Othy’s pocket watch that has stopped.
After Della Keith dies in 1971, Mattie inherits the 500-acre family farm. Mattie and Troy’s only surviving child A. K. goes to business college and does not want to work the farm. Troy has continued his expansion of the farm at an exhausting rate, trapping himself in cycles of overspending leading to debt. Jayber had hoped Mattie would protect the farm, but her loyalty to Troy allows him to continue his destructive plans. They mortgage the entire place to purchase cows and equipment to open a dairy farm, which subsequently fails. Troy still comes to Jayber for haircuts, and Jayber restrains himself from violence against him as he brags about his conquests. “I don’t think he liked himself. If he did, why would he have worked and suffered so to be something he wasn’t—to make ‘something’ of himself?” (352). Troy considers himself an “agribusinessman,” an idea that is repellent to Jayber. One day Jayber takes his boat to hunt near Keith land. He discovers it ravaged, with all the trees plowed, fences torn down, and defunct machinery littering the ground. “It was no longer a place you could see anybody’s pride or pleasure in” (356). The only part of the property still resembling the old days is the yard Mattie tends. Troy has converted the rest into a large-scale pig farm. Jayber is grieved by the sight and wonders if Mattie truly loves Troy. Jayber reveals he and Mattie have been spending time together. Mattie eventually falls ill.
Athey’s Nest Egg is 50 acres of large, old-growth trees. Jayber takes long walks through the wood in all seasons. “Always, as soon as I came in under the big trees, I began to go slowly and quietly” (362). Mattie walks there too, and once they run into each other they begin to meet regularly for 14 or 15 years, though the meetings are never planned. They do not speak much and mostly just enjoy the scenery. Mattie does not look at Jayber or give him the same smile she might give her husband. One day they see a fox, another a rainbow, and one day they watch it snow. “The place spoke for us and was a kind of speech. We spoke to each other in the things we saw” (365). Jayber dreams he is Mattie picking flowers in a field. He finds Liddie’s bones and weeps on them. The bones come to life, and he carries her out of the wood. He says this is a book about Heaven and how life on earth is a little piece of eternity. Mattie becomes terminally ill, but she never tells Jayber. He learns from people coming to get a haircut. Jayber thinks about all the people he has lost and the power of memory to preserve them. He thinks he is now ready to die.
Jayber says this book has not been an entirely true account of his life as memory can be tricky, and he has the benefit of looking back on it all with a certain perspective. He says it ultimately is a book about how people love one another despite all the terrible things that happen in a lifetime. Jayber addresses a few unresolved issues. He wishes he knew what became of Clydie. She eventually married the other man and moved away, but Jayber lost contact with her. Cecelia Overhold inherited Roy’s money and moved to California with her nephew, who put her in a nursing home where she died alone. Jayber forgives her. Jayber can eventually forgive Troy. Jayber hopes he has lived a worthy life. “I am a man who has hoped, in time, that his life, when poured out at the end, would say ‘“Good-good-good-good-good!’ like a gallon jug of the prime local spirit” (371). Jayber relates a story of a man hunting in the woods who falls down a well and cannot escape. Having faith is believing the man trapped in the well is not lost. Jayber hears loud noises in the distance and knows what is happening. Troy is cutting down the Nest Egg to pay off his debts. Troy is proud of his conquest. Jayber wants to punch Troy but instead just feels profoundly sorry for him and thinks he should cradle him by the river. Jayber is so overcome that he has to lie down in the woods to recover. After falling asleep, he awakens, dresses, and takes Danny’s boat to the hospital to see Mattie. Jayber cries with Mattie over the loss of the trees, and she gives him the smile he has always wanted.
Jayber severs his ties completely with Port William by retiring from his job as the gravedigger. He also moves away from corporate worship inside a church building. Like the Romantics of the 18th century, Jayber finds God in nature, not in the institutions and buildings of man. The longer he lives near the river, the more he taps into the inner world of nature. He considers the smallest movements of animals, the sound of the wind, and even the reflection on the surface of the water. Despite his awe-filled days in the woods, his nights are still troubled with fear and trepidation. The author illustrates a man who is coming to the end of his life and has found peace in most things, but he is still plagued with anger and hatred for his archenemy. As Jayber makes himself smaller in the peace of nature, resting in its care, Troy continues to destroy the family farm in a fruitless effort to expand himself. In trying to control nature, he has become beholden to it. He cannot rest in it like Jayber and Mattie and is instead restless with greed and narcissism. The Nest Egg is not a sacred place to him but just another piece of land to be conquered and used for profit. The destruction of the Nest Egg is symbolic of Troy’s destructive pride. His violent ruination of this bower is ultimately fruitless, as he cannot save the farm in the end. Jayber is left not with anger for Troy but pure pity and an overwhelming need to comfort him. Jayber’s time by the river has softened his hatred for Troy and in seeing the destruction of the forest, Jayber’s only response is sadness and grief. He looks at Troy as a father might look at a wayward child or as he imagines God looks upon humans lost to sin.
The author depicts the protagonist coming to the end of his journey by resting on and in the river. The river has been a grounding presence in Jayber’s life since he first marveled at the passing riverboats as a child. He comes to the end of his life with total dependence on the river for his physical sustenance and his spiritual renewal. Jayber bathes in the river, emerging with a feeling of peace and cleanliness symbolizing a daily rebirth of faith. The river is his baptismal font, and the Nest Egg is his cathedral. Silenced by its majesty, Jayber finds contemplative solace in the shade of Athey’s trees in a way he has never experienced before in life. The Nest Egg is a bower, a womblike place for Jayber to make peace with what is left of his life, but it takes on a whole new symbolism when Mattie appears within its sacred depths. As much as nature has served to teach and restore Jayber, the love he has for Mattie Keith has been far more redemptive and life changing.
Jayber has lived many years symbolically married to Mattie, denied the joy and pleasures of physical marriage. The Nest Egg becomes their garden of Eden, a place where they can enjoy each other’s presence unadulterated by the cares of the world. They do not speak much but instead commune with each other through the beauty of creation, their union purely spiritual. Athey preserved the place for some unnamed future need, and indeed it becomes a place to cradle and comfort his only daughter in her final years of life. Jayber claims this book is about heaven, and his symbolic dream of Liddie affirms the vision. Humans cannot know for sure what lies on the other side of death but can glimpse heaven through relationships with others. Jayber has found his heaven in Burley, Athey, and penultimately in Mattie. In the final lines, she smiles at him signifying her mutual love, and a heavenly light shines on Jayber with requiting, redeeming confirmation that his love has been transformative for her as well.
By Wendell Berry