
17 pages 34 minutes read

Gerard Manley Hopkins


Fiction | Poem | Adult | Published in 1879

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War and Peace Are Not Mutually Exclusive

The manner in which the speaker of “Peace” talks about this eponymous subject initially implies that war and peace are mutually exclusive. When the speaker opens the poem by addressing “Peace” (Line 1) directly and questioning when it will grace them with its presence, there is a sense that peace itself is the answer—they are seeking it as the solution to all their problems. The speaker then criticizes “Peace” (Line 1) for its merely partial or fragmented attendance. Using forceful alliteration, the speaker declares, “That piecemeal peace is poor peace” (Line 5). Here, the speaker believes that anything less than complete and total “Peace” (Line 1) is insignificant and inconsequential. For, as the speaker questions, “What pure peace allows / Alarms of wars, the daunting wars, the death of it?” (Lines 5-6). True “Peace” (Line 1) does not permit any conflict or discomfort. However, as the speaker moves into the second stanza and realizes that “pure peace” (Line 5) may not be as attainable as they originally thought, they acknowledge that when “Peace” (Line 9) comes to reside, it “comes with work to do” (Line 10) rather than “to coo” (Line 10). When it settles on an individual, “Peace” (Line 9) begins to change them in some way, rather than simply pacify and comfort them. Rather than consisting of pure tranquility and serenity, divine “Peace” (Line 9) instead “comes to brood and sit” (Line 11). In the poem, divine peace will lead to contemplation and critical reflection, rather than the rest one typically associates with peace, even if it is not about the most positive or enjoyable topic. As the speaker learns as they travel between the first and second stanzas, “Peace” (Line 1) is not as pure, restful, and passive as the speaker initially observes. It is tainted with sadness/depression and negativity itself at times. Peace and war affect one another rather than being true, mutually exclusive foils. They fade into and overlap one another.

God Gives Humans the Means to Cope

The end of the first stanza in “Peace” features a shift in tone, from a desire for the purity of peace to incredulity at the true nature of divine “Peace” (Line 9), which must coexist with and confront the possibility of war. When the speaker realizes in the first stanza that they may not be able to attain or claim “Peace” (Line 1) for themself, they look at what they do have immediately available. If divine peace is withheld by God, then God “should leave in lieu” (Line 7) something else with which the speaker can work. The speaker acknowledges that God does, in fact, leave followers with something they can employ, as “he does leave Patience exquisite” (Line 8). This virtue of “Patience” (Line 8) is a tool that the speaker can use as a coping mechanism, specifically a coping mechanism for their lack or absence of “Peace” (Line 1). This is the tool with which they can withstand the trials and tribulations of life, whether they face an internal or external war. This forbearance and self-restraint that the speaker enacts eventually “plumes to Peace thereafter” (Line 10). While “Patience” (Line 8) may be a tool to assist those who wish to attain “Peace” (Line 9), it can also be seen as a test, as only those who persevere through “Patience” (Line 8) are able to obtain their reward.

Personal Development is the Ultimate Goal

The specific focus on the idea of peace changes as readers make their way through Hopkins’s poem. In the first stanza, the instant and immediate attainment of “Peace” (Line 1) is primary. The speaker just wants “Peace” (Line 1) to stop circling them and finally grant them serenity and calm. The speaker does not want to accept that “Peace” (Line 1) may be more closely entwined with war (both external and internal, political and personal) than they would care to admit. They critique anything that is not “pure peace” (Line 5) but is rather “piecemeal peace” (Line 5). However, in the second stanza this end goal shifts. If attaining complete and perfect “Peace” (Line 9) is not feasible, then personal growth and development in God becomes the alternative endgame. The speaker intends to practice the “Patience” (Line 8) given to them by God in order to develop it into a kind of “Peace” (Line 9). When this virtue then “plumes” (Line 9) from patience, it “comes with work to do” (Line 10). Divine peace serves as an energetic force capable of changing the way a person thinks, feels, and acts. It is impactful and works on that individual. Peace “broods” (Line 11) and leads an individual to reflect on their actions and contemplate the world around them, making them a more observant and empathetic person than they were at the beginning of their journey. By the poem’s conclusion, “Peace” (Line 9) is no longer the end goal. Rather, it is the means to achieving the personal growth and development that becomes the target.

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