
55 pages 1 hour read

Dusti Bowling

The Canyon's Edge

Fiction | Novel/Book in Verse | Middle Grade | Published in 2020

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Part 1, Chapters 1-9Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 1 Summary

In the cold, dark night, Nora and Dad prepare for their first outdoor adventure together since losing a third of their family. Dad goes through their backpacks, double-checking their supplies, which include food, water, sunblock, and hiking and climbing gear. When Dad pulls out a gun, Nora reacts with shock and fear, but Dad hugs her and explains that it’s a flare gun. He jokes with her and assures her it will be a good day. Nora is hopeful.

Chapter 2 Summary

Dad drives for hours through the desert, pointing out the gleaming eyes of wolf spiders. There are no homes, people, or other traffic. He comments that Nora should have invited Danielle; he misses her. Nora remembers going on a happy camping and fishing trip with her parents and Danielle. Nora misses Danielle too but doesn’t say so.

Chapter 3 Summary

Dad stops the Jeep, waking Nora from a dream. She’s glad it’s not the recurring nightmare that troubles her. The morning air is cold, and the sun is just rising over the mountains, inspiring Nora to write a poem in her notepad. Writing makes Nora feel connected to Mom, who was also a writer. Nora’s therapist, Mary, suggests that Nora could use her writing to rescript her nightmare, but Nora doesn’t want to think about it. Nora is also resistant to sharing her poetry with Dad, who’d like to read it. Nora puts her long hair into a ponytail, and the two begin hiking. Dad limps from a bullet wound that, despite multiple surgeries, causes him pain. Nora considers how a tiny bullet can both physically destroy the human body and emotionally destroy one’s life.

Chapter 4 Summary

The morning is silent except for the sounds of desert creatures like lizards and cactus wrens. The sun is warm, but the air is cool, and Nora thinks that contrast also describes her emotions. She often feels like a man in a television show who walked a tightrope over a canyon. Nora sometimes feels like a tightrope, but Mary explains that Nora is more like the canyon. The healing process is continuous, like water forming a canyon, and as Nora heals, she’ll grow stronger.

Chapter 5 Summary

The isolated slot canyon that Nora and Dad plan to explore is around 15 feet across and 40 feet down. Nora is excited. She enjoyed visiting Antelope Canyon with her parents. Nora and Dad joke together, and he half-teases her that she could jump across the canyon. Nora thinks this is the most normal they’ve been in a whole year, since “Before” Dad was shot and they lost her mother. Dad defies his leg pain and rappels down the canyon wall. Nora wants him to be normal again. He now fears people. In a grocery store, he had a panic attack and hid Nora and himself behind a Frosted Flakes display. Dad sees suspicious people everywhere. Nora knows she and Dad have built walls to protect themselves from others and have even erected walls between each other. Mary tells Nora that walls are harmful and indicate that they’re avoiding their pain and loss, but Nora thinks walls are protective.

Chapter 6 Summary

When Dad reaches the bottom of the canyon, Nora prepares to rappel. She threads a figure-eight knot through her belay loop. Tying this knot repeatedly is one of ways she de-stresses at home. Partway down the wall, Nora freezes in fear when she recognizes how dangerous the situation is. To mentally detach, she composes a poem about the colors and layers of the canyon walls. She hears Mary’s voice telling her to identify her fear, which Nora says is “dying.” Mary’s voice asks if Nora is “likely to die in this situation” (18), and Nora realizes she’s not. Mary says Nora must confront her fears so that they don’t overwhelm her. Nora knows that in her “Before” world, Dad would’ve come to help her, but now, in her “After” world, he’s not strong enough. Nora must rely on herself.

Chapter 7 Summary

Nora safely reaches the bottom of the canyon. The air is cool, and the canyon walls are different colors of red, which change as the sunlight reaches them. The canyon is narrow enough that Nora can extend her arms and touch both sides simultaneously. Dad thinks the canyon is home to bats, lizards, and snakes. He and Mom were avid hikers and loved exploring the desert. He seems happy and relaxed in the canyon. Nora knows he feels safe because there are no people and nothing to harm them. Dad now avoids public places like stores, schools, and especially restaurants; Mom died in Café Ardiente exactly one year ago. Nora knows that avoiding people and being alone together isn’t living. Dad finds a heart-shaped stone and gives it to Nora as a birthday present.

Chapter 8 Summary

Around noon, they stop hiking to have a snack. Nora takes her hair out of its ponytail, climbs up onto a stone outcropping, and then gets out her notebook and sits next to Dad, who asks again to see her writing. She demurs. He offers to tell her a haiku if she shares one of hers. She agrees. Dad creates a silly haiku, but she doesn’t like that he makes her writing seem unimportant. He apologizes. Nora purposefully picks a haiku she has already written, about how Dad is overprotective and won’t let her attend school. Nora tells him she wants to return to school. Dad stands up, wrestles with emotions, and then unsmilingly refuses her.

Chapter 9 Summary

Nora is furious. Since Mom’s death, her emotions have been volatile. Dad explains that she reads the current news and knows why he won’t let her attend school. He’s keeping her safe. She asserts that they’re hiding and says she needs more social contact than just Dad. Inwardly, she hopes he knows that she loves him but needs to interact with others. Danielle no longer wants to be her friend. Nora wants to start over and have as normal a life as possible. Dad says their normal life is over and she won’t go back to school. Feeling helpless and enraged, Nora ignores her several coping skills to manage her anger and exclaims that she hates him. Dad is hurt. He picks up his backpack but then looks past Nora in terror. The ground shakes like an earthquake. Although frightened, Nora looks behind her and is overwhelmed. She lets her mind escape into her poetry.

Part 1, Chapters 1-9 Analysis

These opening chapters readers introduce the protagonist, Nora, and her father, who are both struggling physically and emotionally with the aftermath of the shooting that took her mother’s life. Bowling quickly establishes the novel’s central conflicts: character versus nature and character versus self. These external and internal struggles inform the novel’s main themes: Healing From Trauma, The Keys to Survival, and Finding the Courage to Live. Nora’s poetic descriptions and reflections about the Southwest desert reveal its personal significance to both her and her father and convey a strong sense of place. Walls symbolically represent Nora’s inner barriers.

As Nora describes their present-time trip to the canyon, she references her and her father’s emotional backstory, gradually building the grim picture of the tragedy that forever altered her “normal.” She notes that this year’s birthday canyon trip marks the one-year anniversary of her mother’s tragic shooting death as they celebrated a birthday meal at Café Ardiente. In Spanish, ardiente means “burning”—and fire has a symbolically destructive role in the novel. Dad was also shot and seriously injured in the shooting. His wound, Nora realizes, represents the literal, physical damaging effect of a bullet. Nora, though physically unharmed during the shooting, is emotionally damaged by the bullet, as is Dad. She reflects that one bullet “can tear a hole in your life […] so painful you’ll feel it every second for the rest of your life” (8). The tragedy is life-defining for Nora, who now views her life as divided into two parts: “Before” and “After.”

Mary, her therapist—whose remembered voice appears in italics and who formally calls Nora by her full name, Eleanor—suggests that Nora and her father “haven’t fully processed or accepted what happened” (15). Instead, each is coping with their trauma in unhealthy ways, which causes their internal conflicts. Both Nora and Dad show signs of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Nora’s haiku accuses Dad of “hypervigilance,” a symptom of PTSD in which someone who has experienced trauma constantly monitors their surroundings for danger. Since the shooting, Dad fears being around people and isolates himself and Nora for their protection. Nora, too, has trouble coping with her traumatic memory of the shooting. She builds an emotional wall to avoid thinking about her feelings and actively represses her memory of the shooting and her nightmare, refusing to confront and overcome her fear. Nora is terrified of dying, and because her emotions are on a hair-trigger, she momentarily panics when she discovers that Dad has a flare gun. Guns represent death, loss, and fear to her, but the presence of the flare gun foreshadows its future use as a lifesaving device. While Nora recognizes that she and Dad both build protective walls around themselves, Nora is beginning to see that her mental wall creates isolation and that Dad physically insists on keeping them from recovering and living fully.

Writing is one of Nora’s coping strategies for her PTSD. It provides a positive connection to Mom and an outlet for emotional and mental release. When she’s frozen in fear on the rock wall—and when she’s confronted with the approaching flood—Nora lets her mind “escape,” detaching from the frightening situation and finding refuge in her poetry. Composing her poetry—whether on paper or in her mind—allows her to channel and express her emotions and manage her fear. Nora shares two poems in this opening section: two that are free verse, like most of the poems to come, and one haiku, which she uses to encapsulate Mary’s therapeutic advice on coping and moving forward. The haiku illustrates Nora’s appreciation for order and patterns, a need that illuminates her search for meaning later in the novel and informs the theme of Finding the Courage to Live.

Mary thinks Nora’s writing has the potential to help heal her emotional trauma by allowing her to confront and reframe her fears, but Nora still keeps protective walls up around her emotions. She doesn’t even want to share her poetry with Dad, saying, “Maybe it’s just for me” (7).

Nora’s poems and her prose narrative in this section reveal her skill as a wordsmith. She uses figurative and sensory language to describe the desert world around her. For example, the mountaintops are “jagged like the edge of a serrated knife” (7). Nora uses simile and onomatopoeia to describe the sound of the cactus wren’s “ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah,” which is “like an engine that won’t turn over” (9). Nora uses repetition, alliteration, and assonance to give her poem rhythm, as she describes the layers of the rock wall: “rough spatters of rainbow red / [...] pitted and pockmarked pink” (17). Nora’s descriptions of the natural world show that she shares Dad’s love of the desert. She can recognize and identify the desert flora and fauna, from jojoba plants and brittlebush to kangaroo rats and wolf spiders. She has followed in her parents’ footsteps as a practiced hiker and climber and has explored other canyons with her parents. The peace of the natural world and its removal from people eases Dad’s paranoia and helps him partially return to who he was “Before.” Nora is shocked to hear him humming—a sign of contentment. Both Nora and Dad think that their outdoor adventure can help them “come back to life” (22).

Dad and Nora are aware of the inherent dangers in rock climbing and hiking, though Dad believes that the natural world is comparatively safer than civilization if one is vigilant and prepared. Ironically, the canyon walls, like Nora and Dad’s emotional walls, trap them rather than protect them when the flood arrives, setting into motion the true external conflict of character and nature.

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