
68 pages 2 hours read

Jennifer Lynn Barnes

The Final Gambit

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2022

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Chapters 61-70Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 61 Summary

Avery talks to Xander, Thea, and Rebecca about the poem on Toby’s bedroom wall, wondering what the connection was between Toby and William Blake decades ago. Avery suggests that William may have had one of the Blake family seals with him when he disappeared. The question is, how would Tobias have ended up with that seal—the one Toby later stole? Avery, Xander, Thea, and Rebecca google when William went missing and realize it was 40 years ago, approximately. They then realize that “Liam” could be short for “William”—Toby’s father and Eve’s grandfather, who, according to Mallory, simply “left.”

Chapter 62 Summary

Avery is starting to suspect the truth. She wonders what happened to William, theorizing that perhaps he had gotten teenage Mallory pregnant. She suspects that Vincent might know that Toby is his grandson, which would explain why he abducted him, of all people. Avery runs into Jameson, who is furious that she refused to stay safely locked away. They fight, and Jameson accuses Avery of wanting him to be Grayson. He confesses his love for Avery, who is filled with regret over the entire situation. Privately, she wishes Eve had stayed away; suddenly, she realizes that Eve and Vincent must be family.

Chapter 63 Summary

Oren drives Jameson and Avery to Wayback Cottage. Grayson, Eve, Mrs. Laughlin, and Mallory are all there. Avery tells them that Vincent had a son, Will, who called himself Liam: “I think he was Toby’s father” (255). In front of everyone, Avery tells Mrs. Laughlin: “Will Blake sought out your daughter. […] He would have been in his twenties. She was only sixteen. She snuck him onto the estate. […] Will Blake hasn’t been seen since. And for some reason, you and your husband let the Hawthornes adopt your grandson and pass him off as their own flesh and blood, even to the baby’s mother” (256).

Hearing this, Eve accosts Mallory, demanding the truth: “He didn’t leave, did he?” (257). Avery realizes that Vincent sent Eve to get answers about William’s disappearance. Avery accuses Eve directly and presses her, asking what Vincent offered her in exchange for information about William. Avery suspects that Vincent offered Eve a Blake family seal in exchange for her help. Grayson, protective of Eve, is angry at Avery’s accusations, as is Mrs. Laughlin. Mrs. Laughlin kicks them all out of the house.

Chapter 64 Summary

Grayson is angry at Avery for accusing Eve. Avery tries to talk sense into Grayson, saying: “She hates your grandfather. We aren’t her family. Blake is” (259). Grayson isn’t convinced and walks away. Jameson, having witnessed Avery trying to save Grayson from Eve’s influence, is reminded that Avery once had feelings for Grayson. Avery reassures him: “It was always going to be you,” while internally acknowledging, “He needed to hear it. I needed to say it, even though always painted over so much” (261). Jameson knows Avery is sugarcoating the situation and that she struggled to decide between Jameson and Grayson for some time. He walks away.

Back at Hawthorne House, Avery calls Vincent. She asks him what he wants. He replies, “I want the truth that Tobias Hawthorne hid from me all these years. I want to know what happened to my son. And I want you, Avery Kylie Grambs, to dig up the past and bring me his body” (262).

Chapter 65 Summary

Avery wonders where Tobias might have hidden William’s body. She remembers how Tobias built a new addition to Hawthorne House on his birthday every year and uses old blueprints to see what he added the year William disappeared. She suspects the remains may be in the chapel on the Hawthorne Estate and goes to investigate.

Chapter 66 Summary

Inside the chapel, Avery discovers that the altar has a trick door leading to a compartment. There aren’t any human remains inside. Instead, she finds a shroud, a USB drive, and words carved into the marble in Toby’s handwriting. They say: “I KNOW WHAT YOU DID, FATHER” (270). Avery realizes that Toby knew Tobias’s secret and that Tobias must have hidden William’s body in the altar. Toby moved William’s body and left the note for Tobias, knowing that after Toby left, his father would check to see if his secret was safe.

Chapter 67 Summary

Avery takes the USB drive and is preparing to leave the chapel when she’s accosted by Eve, who is holding a gun. Oren orders her to drop it, but Eve doesn’t; she calls the bluff, knowing Avery wouldn’t let harm come to her because it would destroy Grayson. Avery asks Eve if she helped Vincent abduct Toby; Eve says yes and confirms her alliance with Vincent. She tells Avery that Mallory admitted William was killed. When Avery tells her that Toby cares for her and wants her, unlike her mother’s family, Eve replies, “Blake wants me by his side. I just have to prove myself first” (273). Eve demands the USB in Avery’s hand; Avery refuses to give it to her. Oren disarms Eve.

Grayson witnesses the incident and understands that Avery was right about Eve. Eve accuses him of being responsible for Emily’s death and threatens to die by suicide; nonetheless, Grayson calmly rejects her and remains on Avery’s side. Avery asks Oren to escort Eve off the Hawthorne property. Avery realizes that Eve is just a pawn, for Vincent, saying: “We’ll deal directly with Vincent Blake from now on” (276).

Chapter 68 Summary

Avery and Grayson talk, and Grayson apologizes for not believing Avery’s warnings about Eve. Grayson also acknowledges that Avery made the right choice picking Jameson, saying, “You’re in love with my brother, Avery” (278). He admits he was projecting his feelings for both Emily and Avery onto Eve and that he’d feared himself incapable of loving real, living people. Grayson says that the USB key Avery obtained from the hidden compartment in the altar is probably encrypted and that a second USB key is needed to decode it. Avery points out that she has a second USB key in the leather bag Tobias left her.

Chapter 69 Summary

Avery and the four Hawthorne grandsons listen to the message that Tobias left on the USB key for them. Tobias addresses both Avery and his grandsons in the message: “If Blake knows or even suspects what I have kept from him all these years, then he is coming. For the fortune. For my legacy. For you, Avery Kylie Grambs. And for that, I do apologize” (283). Tobias reveals that he picked Avery to take his inheritance for various reasons—because he suspected she could reunite his splintered grandsons and because he thought she could draw Toby out of hiding. He reveals that he knew Avery’s mother, Hannah—Toby’s beloved. Hannah was also aware of what happened to William Blake and refused to let Tobias manipulate her. Another reason was that he knew she’d serve as a distraction, a safeguard against Vincent. Tobias also tells Avery, “He will underestimate you. You’re young. You’re female. You’re nobody—use that. My greatest adversary—and yours now—is an honor-bound man. Best him, and he’ll honor the win” (285).

Chapter 70 Summary

Avery calls Vincent. She acknowledges that he wants the truth about William’s fate and wants William’s remains returned to him. Avery asks Vincent, “What, besides Toby, will you give me if I deliver what you want?” (288). Vincent replies, “I’m so very glad you asked” and then hangs up (289). Oren arrives, telling Avery there’s a courier at the gate of Hawthorne Estate.

Chapters 61-70 Analysis

Finally, Avery puts together the pieces she’s been amassing and begins to solve Tobias and Vincent’s puzzle once and for all. She cracks the case when she figures out that “Liam” is William Blake and that he was Toby’s father. Avery summarizes the complex situation in a monologue to Mrs. Laughlin, laying the theory out not only for the other characters but also for the reader: William Blake, an older man, impregnated 16-year-old Mallory Laughlin. He then mysteriously disappeared, and Tobias and his wife secretly adopted Mallory’s son, Toby. Mallory confesses to Eve that William—“Liam,” to her—didn’t just leave, as she’d previously claimed; her description of blood indicates that William met a worse fate. Vincent confirms Avery’s theory when he tells her, “I want to know what happened to my son. And I want you, Avery Kylie Grambs, to dig up the past and bring me his body” (262). This is another breakthrough moment that launches the narrative to the next level and gives Avery a new mission: Finding William’s body.

Not everyone immediately buys into Avery’s theory about Vincent and William—and Eve’s connection to them. Grayson, in particular, is adamant about protecting Eve, further emphasizing The Complexity of Love. When Jameson sees how invested Avery is in getting Grayson to see Eve’s dark side, Jameson gets insecure. Avery’s assurances, no matter how well-intentioned, make the situation worse, because Grayson, Jameson, and Avery alike all know that Avery wasn’t always sure that Jameson would be her choice. With Grayson irrationally spiraling, the tension between the three has shifted from Grayson and Jameson fighting and Avery keeping the peace, to Jameson and Avery fighting while Jameson supports Grayson and attempts to make Avery choose, once and for all, who she wants.

The resolution comes shortly after, when Eve finally reveals that she doesn’t care about the Hawthornes. Once the truth is out, Eve reveals herself to be manipulative and cruel, not unlike the other characters who crave Wealth and Power. She admits she’s willing to manipulate Grayson and even threatens to die by suicide in a last-ditch attempt to force his cooperation. In the aftermath, Grayson apologizes to Avery; he confesses his lingering feelings for her, but acknowledges that Avery and Jameson are in love and belong together. This acknowledgment releases Avery. Both recognize that Avery made the “right” choice and that she’s with the “right” brother, and the tension surrounding the love triangle dissipates, closing the romantic subplot.

Meanwhile, the primary plotline is picking up steam. So far there have only been hints and suggestions of violence. Now, direct threats are crystallized physically, as when Eve pulls a gun on Avery. The tension is further elevated by the voice recording that Tobias leaves for Avery and his grandsons, in which he sets the stage for the final battle: “If Blake knows or even suspects what I have kept from him all these years, then he is coming. For the fortune. For my legacy. For you, Avery” (283). In the same recording, Tobias tells Avery that Vincent is honorable—which means she can manipulate him to win, and that Vincent will accept it if she does. Vincent’s honor, like Tobias’s, is ironic; both are rich, ruthless business owners who freely wield their power and participate in immoral acts, but both maintain their own moral codes. These elements add dimension to their characters while also showcasing The Dangers of Wealth and Power, as it is precisely their fortunes that grant them the power to maneuver through life as they wish.

These chapters also cover The Tricky Nature of Inheritance. Finally, Tobias reveals (via the recording) why he named Avery as his heir. He explains that he knew Avery’s mother—both the woman Toby loved and a loose end who knew Tobias’s secret. Naming Avery as his heir was a contingency plan for Tobias in many ways, yet another act of manipulation and control on Tobias’s end. Lastly, the influence of inheritance is seen through Eve, who reveals she has acted on Vincent’s behalf on the promise of a Blake family seal. Eve longs for the wealth and power, but more than that, she seeks a place to belong; Vincent has used this desire to control her, just as he has manipulated Avery into finding his answers.

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